عاجل .. الأردن يُسجل رقم قياسي جديد بوفيات واصابات كورونا

82 وفاة و9417 اصابة الأعلى منذ بدء الجائحة

15 مارس 2021
A computer image created by Nexu Science Communication together with Trinity College in Dublin, shows a model structurally representative of a betacoronavirus which is the type of virus linked to COVID-19, better known as the coronavirus linked to the Wuhan outbreak, shared with Reuters on February 18, 2020. NEXU Science Communication/via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT.
A computer image created by Nexu Science Communication together with Trinity College in Dublin, shows a model structurally representative of a betacoronavirus which is the type of virus linked to COVID-19, better known as the coronavirus linked to the Wuhan outbreak, shared with Reuters on February 18, 2020. NEXU Science Communication/via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT.

صراحة نيوز – سجل في الأردن الاثنين، 82 حالة وفاة و9417 اصابة كورونا جديدة في الأردن، والذي يُعد اعلى رقم يتم تسجيله منذ بدء جائحة كورونا العام الماضي .

وبحسب الأرقام الجديدة اليوم يرتفع عدد الاصابات الى  486 ألفا و470 اصابة والوفيات الى  إلى 5 آلاف و428 وفاة.

الموجز الإعلامي 

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